Friday, August 19, 2011

New Guest Artist Soul Yheng and Gallery Video

New Guest Artist!
Soul Yheng is the new guest artiat for the next 2 weeks. He is yet another award winning artist. His exhibit is called:
Southwest Beauty as seen through the Lens of Soul Yheng.

So if you get a chance come and see the exhibit you will not be disappointed.

I have also just started doing some video recordings, I have a couple of Jonatar the SL musician that I manage. I also have a tour of the Gallery.

 I hope you enjoyed the video.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

New Guest Artist and some rental space for artists

Well another week and things are going well I have kept busy. I have a guest artist named CreativeSam India. He has some photography art displayed in the gallery. his style is varied only by the scene he sees in his lens. 
I also have some work of my own that is different than I usually sell in the Gallery. This is SL photography manipulated in a graphics program and an overlay of text with original prose. It is as beautiful to the eyes as it is to your emotions by the words printed there.

Something else new for me as well. I bought the land next to the gallery and added a wing for rental spaces. I will be renting 12 spaces.
So if you can come and take a look at it.

Jonatar is singing tonight at White tigers Islands, so Im me in world for a LM or TP.