Friday, November 23, 2012

It has been a long time since I took the time to blog. I apologize for my neglect. I have been very busy. I have been learning and creating. Though the creating is the best part. I haven't actually painted an acrylic in quite some time, though I replaced old paint a couple of months ago. So last Sunday I put down a drop cloth, put a canvas on an easel, and started to paint. The painting is called "Dawn Of The Storm", which I will show you below. I am so excited about the new art that can be seen at the Gallery or at my RL website. "Carman Turner Fine Art"  I will also be displaying one digital Fractal paintng, called "Flowers In Vase". My secret identity has been revealed! Hehe! You will see that my real name is displayed on some of the art in SL, as well as my Avatar name.

"Dawn Of The Storm"

"Flowers In Vase"

I have a website for my RL art and photography and you too can get your own website by clicking through the advertisement below.
Artist Websites